MiGs, Stars & Magic Books: A Brief History of Trespassing in Moscow
An illustrated guide to urban exploration in the Russian capital.
13 February 2013
On the outskirts of Melbourne, the former Larundel Mental Asylum casts a sombre shadow over the surrounding housing developments. Only a few buildings remain out of a complex which once housed hundreds of patients; and with a whole repertoire of supernatural reports attached to the site, these last, gloomy wards are a popular destination for both urban explorers and paranormal investigators alike.
The last remains of the Larundel Mental Asylum currently await demolition, amidst plans for a new plot of residential developments. It was once a thriving facility however, and at its peak was able to accommodate as many as 750 patients.
The initial foundations for the Larundel Hospital were laid in 1938, but the outbreak of WWII placed all plans on hold. Over the next five years the half-finished site would be put to a number of different uses; it served as a hospital for the RAAF and US military, as well as providing a training depot for WAAF operations. During the post-war years of 1946-48, the buildings were used as temporary emergency housing.
It wasn’t until 15 years after construction began, that Larundel Asylum began admitting its first psychiatric patients in 1953. This particular site was closely tied with other contemporary facilities in the city of Melbourne; namely the Mont Park Asylum, and the Plenty Valley Repatriation Psychiatric Hospital. I investigated both of these sites, but sadly they are no more; the remains of the Mont Park Asylum have been turned into student housing for La Trobe University, while the Plenty Valley Repatriation Psychiatric Hospital is now an art gallery.
During its heyday, Larundel dealt with patients including those suffering from acute psychiatric, psychotic and schizophrenic disorders. As pharmaceutical treatments began to replace traditional, institutional care for psychiatric patients in the late 1990s, the Larundel Mental Asylum was one of the many Victoria mental hospitals to be closed down.
In the 15 years since closure, 550 new dwellings have sprung up in the former grounds of the asylum. A cluster of the old wards still remain, however – clinging onto memories as their final demise draws inevitably closer.
I visited this site along with a fellow travelling photographer, who I had met online. Getting inside the Larundel Asylum was easy enough – the site lies just off a main road, tucked into the corner of a residential estate. We made our way first towards the main building. From a distance, every ground floor door and window appeared to have been sealed with metal plating. Soon enough however, we spotted a bent corner on the barrier over a side door to the asylum. Waiting for a passing car to disappear out of sight, we made a dash for it, scrambling through the gap and into the stale space beyond.
The small chamber was bare, other than a flight of stairs leading up to a higher level. The first thing to strike me was the amount of traffic this site apparently received; there were beer bottles and plastic bags strewn across the floor, while every conceivable surface had been tagged in graffiti scrawls. The effect was like the aftermath of an explosion in a paint factory.
Reaching the first floor we passed through a series of dilapidated rooms, before finding ourselves in a long corridor that seemed to connect the length of the building. The asylum had seriously deteriorated over its years of disuse, and parts of the ceiling hung low enough to brush against the soiled carpets. Watching my step carefully, I took a turn-off to investigate a long balcony that extended across the back of the building.
From here it was possible to gaze out across the other buildings which constituted the site of the former hospital, and the parkland beyond them. Here are there, I was able to spot gangs of youths and the occasional dog walker – I didn’t linger here though, in case they in turn had seen me.
Back in the maze of first floor corridors, I came across a wooden cabinet laying in the middle of the passage, and trailing a long electrical cable; beneath it hid the petrified body of a large bat.
The main building of the Larundel Mental Asylum was constructed around a central courtyard, with a raised walkway running from one side to the other. The courtyard itself was heavily overgrown, its undergrowth rustling occasionally with the movement of birds, mammals or perhaps even marsupials.
I met with my fellow explorer again on the far side of the building – we had taken different routes as we scouted around the corridors which flanked the central courtyard. Here on the corner several passages fed into one large hall. An entire section of graffitied wall had fallen away, allowing a cascade of bright sunshine into the room. The juxtaposition of green treetops against these dim, musty corridors made for a striking contrast.
For the most part, the Larundel Asylum had been entirely stripped of its furnishings: nothing remained to even hint at its former use as a psychiatric facility. A few room contained upturned bookcases or wardrobes, whilst another held the rusted remains of a boiler.
Then we found the bathroom.
Most of the graffiti around the site did little to benefit the atmosphere – the asylum serving rather as a blank canvas for would-be artists to let off steam. Here though, the painted images and words created a startling effect. High above the earth-filled bathtub, the words “Help me” were daubed in red paint; to one side, what appeared to be a figure in a straightjacket was wrapped in the embrace of some kind of demon. Even the mess of tags and scribbles that filled the other walls seemed to add to the general malaise of chaos and insanity.
“Jump in me,” invited a laundry chute on the next corridor. I declined, after peering inside the vent and shining a torch towards the basement level two floors beneath.
We headed down to the ground floor next by way of a large double stair. This opened onto a concrete path, cutting from one side of the courtyard to the other. Careful to avoid the dense undergrowth and its mystery inhabitants, we made back towards our initial point of entry; this time to make the same circuit at ground level.
In the corner of the building we found a large foyer area, where a capsized vending machine had been beaten apart to expose its cargo of decade-old soft drinks. One door led off to a side chamber, open to the sky, an entrancing mural of two lifelike eyes painted onto its far wall.
From here a corridor led off to the right, following the circumference of the building in a counter-clockwise manner. Various cells in this section featured just a narrow observation window at the top of the door.
The decay here was the worst we had yet seen. A fire had left walls and ceilings blackened, while molten light fittings hung from the ceilings like the dirty fruit of some dark, blasphemous tree. In some parts of the corridor, the fire had burnt through the carpet and the wooden floorboards beneath; exposing blackened beams and basements. I took a look through one of the larger holes. Tempted as I was to climb down and investigate, there seemed to be no easy way back out.
By the time we made it back out of the main asylum building, it was already dark. We crossed the road by streetlight, and headed towards the next.
In the increasing darkness, it was almost hard to tell which buildings were part of the hospital complex – and which constituted the surrounding residences. It’s strange to see a sprawling abandoned site in such harmony with its surroundings. Joggers and dog walkers follow the paths formerly reserved for patients, while the buildings themselves have become play areas for daredevil youths from the estate.
Our second building stood next to a smart suburban bungalow, and so we had to be discrete as we slipped in through the open door at the side. Something stirred as we passed under the lintel. A lithe, furry creature leapt from a first floor windowsill, disappearing inside the building. Its eyes caught the light as it moved, and in any other place I would have said it was a small cat. Here though, it could just as easily have been a possum.
We soon discovered that this second, smaller building was not as exciting as the first. The vandalism was more severe, and the first floor hall we soon found ourselves in was almost completely obscured beneath broken fragments of its own ceiling. A large stairwell descended on the opposite side, where a floor-to-ceiling art deco window opened onto the purple sky beyond. While the top of the window remained intact, every pane of glass within reach of the stairs had been smashed; their remains jutted out from the frame like broken teeth in a square mouth.
The third building proved more interesting. We had to pass a wilted perimeter fence to reach this long, one-storey structure – although the site was so easily accessible, that by now it was hard to tell whether we were entering or leaving the restricted area. Here we split up, and took different routes through the building. The entrance to the main foyer was covered with a thick wire mesh; scouting along the veranda though, I soon found access through the broken wooden panels of a back door.
This building seemed to have served as an administrative centre for Larundel Mental Asylum. A series of office-sized rooms were clustered around the first hallway, in one of which I discovered a rusted old safe. After this came a large hall divided into wooden booths. These had originally been screened with a row of curtains, but now the pole itself lay trailing cloth on the dusty carpet.
It was here that I found my first venomous spider, building its web across the gap between two wooden pillars. The Australian black house spider isn’t considered particularly dangerous… but it’s a giant compared to the majority of spiders back home in England. Supposedly its bite is liable to be “excruciatingly painful and cause local swelling,” while possible symptoms include “nausea, vomiting, sweating and giddiness”. I decided to give it a wide berth.
I ran into my accomplice in the room next door, where a lone chair stood sentry over the junction between two corridors. We returned around the other side of the building, past a boiler room and out into the night. Stepping over the trailing security fence we headed back to the main road, and waited for a tram to the city.
At the time of my visit to the Larundel Mental Asylum, I was naïve to many of the stories attached to it. It was only when I later researched the history of the site, that I began stumbling across mentions of the asylum at Bundoora, scattered across a range of websites dedicated to ghosts and paranormal investigation. In the fifteen years or so since the asylum closed its doors, it seems that many visitors have reported strange phenomena inside this increasingly dilapidated building. The most common accounts refer to loud crashes and banging sounds coming through the walls, as well as strange smells and even the sound of children or babies crying.
The Larundel complex certainly is a noisy place. Situated on the edge of a park, the buildings are often hit by strong gusts of wind. The metal sheets riveted over every ground floor window and door have a habit of rattling and groaning – often with unsettling results. There were numerous moments during my exploration of the asylum, that I almost became convinced we were not alone in the building. The voices and occasional laughter from passing pedestrians have a habit of getting caught inside the walls, their echoes bouncing down the still corridors. My concerns, however, were primarily related to getting caught inside; the possibility of a supernatural presence didn’t even cross my mind.
Much of the graffiti around the asylum seems to be aimed at perpetuating this sense of paranormal unease. Phrases like, “save yourselves” or “I can hear them through the walls” appear everywhere, usually painted in neat, joined-up handwriting.
The most prevailing myth linked to Melbourne’s Larundel Asylum however, tells the story of a young girl who died on the third floor. This girl used to play with a music box, so the story goes, and apparently now you can sometimes hear it playing in the asylum at night. I even found a Youtube video which seems to have captured the thin strains of distant music within the Larundel Mental Asylum.
I always appreciate a good story, and would be the first in line for an up-close experience of the supernatural kind… but I feel my own sentiments can be summed up with a quote from the urban explorer, Ninjalicious:
“I’m not suggesting that you actively refuse to believe in anything supernatural, merely that you take an agnostic approach and don’t believe it ’til you see it. There’s no real down side to doing this, since ghosts, unlike gods, aren’t known for punishing people for their lack of faith.”
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See all 138 comments on “Larundel Hospital: An Abandoned Mental Asylum in Melbourne”
An illustrated guide to urban exploration in the Russian capital.
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hi i am john
oh my golly!!!! how difficult, wow…. have a good day.
I reflect back to a time where I spent a couple of weeks in the hospital back in 1993, I felt an eariery feeling, like I had been there before, it was confirmed that I had been taken there as a child, left at a nurses station while my adult supervisor visited a patient, years later after my traumatic childhood remained dormat I ended up in the hospital for I believe I was unable to cope with fighting my hidden past, I made a call on my instinct and found out that my intuition was correct and that I had been taken there as a child and was told on that phone call that the person my supervisor way back then had visited a lady called Carmen and she later hung herself, I guess I knew that something felt out of the ordinary and it had been confirmed by this person in a conversation, I wonder if he intended the same outcome for myself years later?
I have been here you don’t want to go in there my friends and I spent 24 hours in there without any sleep and throughout the whole night all I could feel was something hovering over my shoulder I kept seeing little orbs and shadows running past corridors one of my friends I was with got a glass sprite bottle thrown at him in a empty cell room I wouldn’t recommend going but you do you I can’t stop you
I went there many times when I lived in Melbourne and found it amazing it should be saved
I had a family member in Larundel for some time and I’d like to learn more about them. Has anybody had any luck requesting a FOI on any records? Where would be the best place to apply?
Why not save it? It seems like we should save important history and it’s not like we need more appartments instead of finding abandoned factories and malls and turning them into new buildings.
Hey I have a YouTube channel and I was wanting to do a video on this place so I went there and there is no way to get in to the building. I was just wondering if u have a number for the people who own the building or new and anyone who can help me get in.
From what I’ve heard the music box was put in there by Melbourne Uni students to frighten ghost hunters, as a bit of a lark.
Wow!!! just horrible. have a great day
Wow, thank you…
In my youth I had spent quite a bit of time at Larundel, as my Mum commenced attending Alanon meetings there. I would have been around 7 years old and the circumstances leading to our presence at this place were just as (actually, much more…) haunting as the asylum you have captured and shared here.
I have many reflections I could… and will share here.
Most vividly, I remember being the only kid who was brought along to these meetings,
so often… I would venture increasingly further down the hallwalls,
taking various next, brave and bold, next steps around corners….
sneaking further down another dark or dimly lit hallway –
many featuring historic photos of the asylum…
of patients, their treatments, staff….
black and white,
some grotesque
spasm tormented
Thanks Michael, you are brave.
My father was sent to the Asylum in the mid 70’s. He suffered with epilepsy and the doctors felt this was the best place for him, whilst my mum had to care for 3 children under 5. For many years I have blacked out the memories. Throughout my primary school years I chose to tell my friends my father was dead, unable to explain he was trapped in an asylum.
The photos haunt me, the bricks, the corridors. However, they do not capture what you and I experienced…
The screams
The fear
The darkness
Closed doors
Banging on doors from those trapped behind them
Keep your head down and don’t look at anyone.. except your dad.
Where is dad?
I’m sorry dad.
Thank you for the awakening
I was a patient in larundel in 1975. I was in a secretion called Fawkner House, which was for 16-25 year olds, approximately. I was admitted with severe depression and post trauma issues. I spent about 12 months there. I have to say it was an amazingly positive experience which turned by life around. The treatment was drug free and consisted solely of group therapy for 5-6 hours a day. The staff were psychiatrists, psychologists and psychiatric nurses. All of them were incredibly caring and competent. I left there feeling so much better, and have nothing but feelings of gratitude for my time there.
I was a patient at Larundel when Professor Graham Burrows established an eating disorder and mood disorder unit in the mid 1980s.Had a few admissions…in the building that you photographed.Not great memories; but I’m glad there’s evidence of its existence.
Hi I’m very interested in having a look though sometime to explore
I done some exploring there at around 3 am and let me say although all my video and film recording captured nothin that could not be 100 percent debunked,the screaming energy and pain of the decades passed ended up making me run
My grandmother had Schizophrenia & spend time here, apparently she hated it & was given shock treatments. She ended up committing suicide, leaving her young children behind. (youngest was a baby) I do wonder if her lack of support & experiences here and not wanting to come back here is what pushed her to such extreme action, such a tragedy, I’m so glad there is starting to be understanding and support for mental health.
This is a heart breaking story. Sorry your grandmother went through this mental torment. Like yourself I also wonder about the lack of awareness and support for generations past. I googled this mental hospital because my mother said she was here in the early seventies. She had accused my father of improper behaviour towards my siblings (I was only 2) but the police didn’t believe her because of history of mental illness in her family. She was depressed had shock treatment but eventually managed to get on with her life without her children. My siblings and I continued to live with my father, a paedophile. Now in my fifties I feel like I have suffered through out my life and feel let down by the Australian authorities all those years ago.
I worked at the Mont Paek institution for six or seven months in 1959-1960 as an orderly, specifically in the one-story surgical hospital with wings for both men and women. A Canadian, I was traveling in
Australia with friends for a year, and as I had been a pre-med student at UBC in Vancouver and had worked one summer as an orderly, I got this job at Mont Paek. What a bizarre experience; I witnessed disgraceful and unethical practices at the institution. I have pictures of myself with some of the patients. Unfortunately, none of the pictures online depict this surgical unit.
I was a patient here in the early 1970’s A Ward to North 4 ward had ECT lot of bad memories as well
My grandmother spent most of her adult life there, it was always hidden within the family, I have been trying to connect with any patients or carers to try and get an idea of what she may have went through
I am after a direct email address for this place, anyone know where i can find it?
Hi everyone
My mother spent a lot of time in out out of this hospital would love to be able to get her medical records.Who would I contact please or do you have a email address.
Kind regards
My grandmother was in and out of Laurundel in the 1970’s for depression. She was also pregnant with my uncle while admitted and discharged. From the records of her admissions and discharges it was a useless place. It’s the reason I never got to meet her because she killed herself before I was born, and her youngest son doesn’t even know the real truth of her death. Disgusting.
Gosh when I was 17-18 yrs old I worked there at the front office and Was taught the switchboard by a Scottish lady and the CEO at that time used to work at Beechworth asylum , I drove past there yesterday.
Hi Hania, I would love to speak with you regarding the daily life there. Let me know if I can get in touch, thanks
Gosh when I was 17-18 yrs old I worked there at the front office and some telephonist work,, I drove past there yesterday.
hey, this place looks so cool! is it still abandoned to this day.. also how do you get in if anyone knows feel free to comment back… cheers
I live in Bundoora and every time I dive pass it I all way wounder what is looks like in side. But now I know (sorry for any spelling mistakes)
Hi, I was lucky enough to do my student Nursing experience here in the main building in the last two weeks before I was assisting the staff to transport the patients to the new hospital. I remember a lot about some of the patients and learnt a lot from the staff working there.
is this place still available to explore? i really need to film it for one of my project
Amazing. Good to see someone else interested in the old place. As a child I use to ride my bike through there. It was still operational at that time 1970’s. There was also a place called Cresswell.
Do I need a permission to get in?
I was there as a security officer in 2000’s never came across spirits. Came across a few squatters.
There was a “ghost” in North 6 ward. I heard it walking the corridors a couple of times during night shift as a nurse. We were tuned to hear people moving around and check. Twice no-one there, very early morning. Thanks, it looked very different when working there. The dereliction makes it look very spooky. I thought it all gone now, except one building they kept?
Would u mind talking to me about this I’m doing some research about it
My father used to cook for the doctors and nurses at Larundel
This is a Virtual Tour of Larundel from 2014. They had started to clear this area out. Click on the hotspots to go to that area. http://lindsaybrown.com.au/larundel.html
My Dad use to be a patient at Laurundal and we use to visit him in the late 1970,s. Was not a nice experience l have seen a padded cell where he was locked up in with his blood on the walls. There were lots of people just drugged so much they could not comprehend anything. I use to laugh at a lady who was singing to a man playing the piano and she use to lift her dress up and had no underpants on. My Dad came home for some weekends and was just so drugged. Later he decided to never have his drugs again and he got to violent for any family member to be part of his life.
Used to be a patient there. Have some great stories. There were babies in the main building on the upper floor. Called the academic or professorial building. Mothers with pnd or other psych probs. Some did die there.
Hi, I am doing some research regarding the daily life there. I’d love to speak with you. email duendest@hotmail.com, thanks Tina
I am wondering if it was possible for me to have a few words with the owner about possibly taking some photos in this beautiful building with permission from the owner that is as i am very curious on what photos i could produce if i were to get permission nothing would be touched or destroyed or vandalised that you for your time
Hi Jake, as mentioned in the comments below, it seems as though La Trobe University are the people to speak to. Good luck!
I want to take pic here do? how do I do that and where even is this?
My brother was admitted to Larundal in the early 70s, he had drug induced schizophrenia (marijuana). The day i visited him he was at the local pub with the nurses when i arrived, they (the nurses) took the patients to the pub for drinks (alcohol) which they mixed with their anti-psychotic medication! Wouldnt be my idea of treatment. He slept in a dormitory style room, with around 20 other patients. He ‘shuffled’ when he walked which was a side effect of the medication. My brother was 20 years old at this time. He ran away from Larundel and shortly after this he went missing. My brother has now been missing for 30 years.
That does sound like a very strange form of treatment. I wonder if it was officially approved? Anyway, I’m sorry to hear about your loss Patricia, and I’m grateful that you took the time to share the story here. I think it’s good to remind people about the human stories (and tragedies) attached to the legacy of institutions like this.
Drug Induced Psychosis- not drug induced schizophrenia- there’s no such thing except for in the imagination of the imaginer -in bins that imagination is always in the indoctrinated imagining things they’ve been taught to imagine- but in reality it has to be what it is- a drug effect- and should be treated as a drug effect psychosis- like it would be in any Lapland country- i’m sorry to hear what happened to your brother, the same happened to mine but from amphetamine, the trouble with it all is, once their drugged their going mad- going on it– that they even admit happens, and that’s after they’ve judged you mad- and drugged you with that mad, if you try to escape once they’ve addicted you, you go even madder than going on it, again they admit and agree with that–which is why once they’ve got you, your not going no where, except back there, and which is why our whole budget is blown addicting and topping up the returns- who were never mad- but cant prove it- that,s all- cause no one can get away without going mad- pretty handy drugs hey-so sorry your brother was in the same hopeless helpless catch 22 position/ situation- that all kids who knock on bin doors drug effected end up being in- larundal just one venue- ten days full sleeps with all the appropriate healing processes/ practices- even before a diagnosis can be made- are the ethical standard treatment protocols for treating drug induced psychosis- not their drugs- “street drugs- party drugs”- not funeral drugs- some countries do fourty days- we don’t do any- 24 to 48 hrs tops– but one other person reminds me of what happened to your brother who would have been a very similar age at the time- if you look him up his name is Garth Daniels, poor kid smoked a but of dope- and whats happened to him because of how they’ve treated him is so disgusting both the wold health authority and amnesty have pretty much called our governments animals for- and asked them to desist- but like i say its a catch 22- they cant even help him if they want to – and they admit they cant get “anyone off the drugs” without them going mad and needing a top up of the mad– catcha 22-uh- 99 days tied to a bed four point- over 100 ects in over a year- against his and his families wishes, all for spinning out on a bit of dope- all temporary- and dope related- not a real mad- a drug mad- purely.
My mother was in Larundel for 8 years from 1976.
Hi Patricia, I am sorry to hear this. I am doing some research about the daily life there and would love to speak with you. My email is duendest@hotmail.com, thanks Tina
I am a photography student and i am wanting to capture this place. Wondering if anyone knows who owns the building and if i am able to contact them about photography the building.
any details anyone is able to give would be greatly appreciated
It sounds as though La Trobe University are now responsible for a lot of the site. You could try contacting them, perhaps?
Any help
I can’t help, but I wish you luck. Try applying under the Freedom of Information Act, as Patricia suggests below.
This is quite disturbing for me I was admitted in the early 70s and never knew what happend to my records or those who were ther
you should be able to make an application under the Freedom of Information Act to apply for records which would have been archived.
Some of the buildings which were mont Park are now owned by la trobe uni, at this site there was mont Park Larundel and the alcoholics anonymous building. Further north up the road is University Hill which was the site of jane’s field for children
is this joint still there or have they knocked it down?
They knocked parts down, from what I’ve heard – but I believe the main buildings are still standing.
Is it confirmed that part of it is still there, I really want to go but it’s along travel just to arrive at some construction sight.
Apparently some buildings are still standing – but you might be better off talking to someone local, as I’m a long way away and working from second hand info.
Still their but it’s very hard to get in ! You have to brake in !
Hi , my mother was a patient t Larundal for over 20 years and was one of the last patients to leave, she then went to Mont Park and then onto a new mental health unit at StKilda. Most of the people at Larundal where had serious mental health issues and I get so annoyed at the amount of people who visits these places when it’s in ruins, why don’t you all take the time to visit someone alive with a mental illness and leave the dead alone, ?
Hello Sue. Thanks for this comment, and I do appreciate your concerns. However, you’re wrong to assume that I don’t also visit living people who suffer with mental health issues.
Personally, I think the local council should raise some kind of memorial on this site. If they can’t or won’t preserve the buildings, then they should at least contextualise their ruins. With this article, I’ve tried to add at least some historical context to a group of abandoned buildings that were popular with explorers since long before I ever heard of them. With respect, I feel that your criticism would be better directed not here, but rather towards the people who are actually responsible for the site.
Just last night 2 friends and I went to visit Larundel for the first time. We weren’t planning on breaking in the building as now it’s so closed off and made very difficult. But we walked all the way around the front building, hearing some odd sounds every now and then, nothing too creepy. But when we got to a point behind the front building we stopped in our tracks.. Hearing the music box coming from what looked like the middle of a field, but I think that’s where a building used to be. One of my friends held up their phone and it read exactly 11:59. It was very echoey and eerie. We really weren’t expecting to hear something like that from not even being in a building.. Very surreal
Well that’s… weird. Do you have any theories? Somewhere in these comments, one person suggested that the music was a prank being played from the nearby uni campus. But to hear it out there in the middle of a field at midnight is definitely pretty odd. Thank you for the update, I guess the mystery remains unsolved!
probably housed by homeless people who have iphones they play music on
Is this comment a current one as I thought it was redeveloped
Yes, in December 2016. The front building and a back building still remains standing. That’s why we thought it was odd to be coming in with the wind of the empty field, when other people have only heard it when they’ve been inside the building. Thinking of going back again but… It’s very eerie and my first paranormal experience.
My mates I went there all the time and I know of that music box seen it in the building and it would always go off at 11:59 love the feeling of a ghost present
When they were explaining earlier apparently a little girl passsd away playing her music box and apparently ever since people have heard strange music noises. Hopefully this helps you????
Lived around the corner. We would terrorise around here and the Mont Park Asylum on our BMXs in the 80’s, often with security not far behind. Man, we were shits…….Ahhh memories. Scary place back then, remember the faces behind the barred windows staring blankly back at you. As well as the haunting sounds that went hand in hand with these places, especially in the dead of night. Good blog.
That must have been a pretty powerful place to visit as a kid. I can only imagine. Gives its current state some context, too – more than just a ruin, it makes me wonder where all those patients ended up. Thanks a lot for this comment.
I find this stuff fascinating, my friend wants to do her hsc photography assignment there, but we are unsure if we will make it in time…… Before it gets pulled down.
Sounds like there’s less of it standing every day… better hurry!
I would love to see the way it looked before it was abandoned and wrecked
Yes, that would be fascinating. I’ve read about a collection of old archive photos (see more here), though none of it seems to be online.
Thanks for sharing your visit with this place. Got no nerve to check this one but has the courage to check your post. 🙂
Thanks Lawanda – glad you enjoyed it.
I drove around the grounds of Larundel when it was open in the 1980s looked very scary never went inside. I worked near by at Janefield Centre Bundoora for the disabled for 10 years. I could tell lots of stories, I have started to write them and will continue, it was a very scary sad place.
Are you sharing these stories online somewhere? If so, feel free to leave a link here – I’d love to read them, and I’m sure others would too.
My grandma was a pstient there. I would love some info. 0402429435
Seems like a lot of people visiting this page had personal connections to the place – so I hope someone is able help you with this!
have you tried trying to look at medical records form the freedom of information
My dad, a WWII victim spent years here off an on.I was about 7-9 years of age, when I went to visit him.I was shielded by the catering lady taking me to the kitchen for a biscuit and a milo.
Thank you for sharing this, Jill. Having only seen the place abandoned, I really appreciate hearing these little human stories from its time in operation. I think it’s good to try and understand places like this in terms of the people they once affected, rather than just as photogenic ruins.
Alone in a room on my 4th venture taking routine photos I walked into a coldspot , I was suddenly overcome by intense fear for my life , evil , dread and I went to hell in my own mind , I saw nothing but I felt the full force of something I had disturbed in that room.
Sounds like a powerful experience. Did you ever go back after that? If I had felt anything like that, I think I’d have run a mile…
I went here the end of last year if you want to explore id be fast they are pulling down buildings and putting up housing theres not much left of the place
Thanks, Stephanie. I heard it was shrinking fast…
My nanna was admitted to larundel supposedly for depression and treated like she was crazy when she wasn’t in the 50’s i think. She was given shock therapy. My dad will not talk about it. Noone in my family will talk about it. I feel sorry for my nanna who i never met as she died before i was born. She got put in larundel for supposedly having depression and being crazy and was put through shock therapy. I hate the way she was treated
Thank you for sharing this, Amanda – and I’m sorry to hear that your family had to go through that. It’s sad to think how barbaric some of our medical treatments were, not so long ago.
I wana check it out on one of my missions! !!
I hear it’s getting more difficult these days – what’s left of the site is shrinking, and apparently they’ve fixed the fence around it now. Might still be possible, but I wouldn’t leave it too long.
Brilliant post. Thanks for sharing.
You’re very welcome Jordan – thanks for checking it out.
I also saw a ghost laying in bed one night she walked down the Dom it freckled me out
Was that in the main building? Must have given you quite a scare!
RI was in larundel in the early 70’s I was 15 years of age. I wasn’t crazy either the place was a dump in the old buildings we didn’t have hot showers the boilers were that old they didn’t heat up properly . the front of the hospital had two wards a ward was the lockup and b ward was the observation ward on the 2ndllevel was the drug and alcohol wing openn end in 73was the first rehab too open in Australia.in b ward were domataries and at the back was a lockup cells larundel wasn’t bad as mt park that is were the very sick went I was also transfered too s 2:the wards were very basic weren’t scary but I did hear stories of how Mr park was bad and haunted. We weren’t locked in either.
It’s really interesting to hear this, Virginia – thank you for sharing your story. Given the advanced state of ruin it’s perhaps easy to forget how recently these things were happening. Reading your account makes it all feel much more real though – and I’m really grateful that you took the time to share it here.
this is so interesting virginia is there any chance of hearing more ? or that you are willing to share ?
Hi Viriginia, it’s interesting to get a picture of how things were there. I’d love to know more. If I can ask you a few questions please get in touch. My email is duendest@hotmail.com, thanks Tina
also, the eyes are painted in the “dispensary” room, i was in there a few years ago and there were still stickers on the shelves saying names of drugs.
I was a non-voluntary inmate of Larundel in 1963. It was a pretty terrible place but I did get out. I was sane when I went in, slightly less so when I got out. I wonder if someone will write its history,
Thank you for sharing this – it’s really interesting to make contact with someone who has experience of the facility as it was during use. So often the history of these places is recorded through official records, rather than making use of first hand accounts. Glad to hear you got out, anyway.
hi im a uni student and i would love to know more about time in arundel as i have to write an essay on it. if you get this could you please contact me.
Hi Ebony, did you see Virginia’s account above?
hey darmon yes i did it would be perfect for what i need i just need to get in contact with her is she is willing.
LaRundel still stands, if anyone is interested, I believe they are in the process of reconstruction though, I was there last night & there are 4 buildings by the looks of it.. Just be sure not to break in to the community hub they have turned one of the building into…
Also, I suggest going during the day as there are young troublemakers attempting to scare people (I assume they have a local “hangout” in the main building) and at night it is very difficult to tell the difference between whats a paranormal experience and what’s not.
Very interesting blog to read before attending the old asylum too
Hi Paige, thanks for sharing this!
People are often asking me about the current status of Larundel, so it’s really helpful to have some up-to-date info here from someone on the ground. Glad you found the information here interesting, too! Thanks for commenting.
man, im 20 years old now but i used to sneak out of the house at night when i was 14 to come explore larundel. i have heard in the A-ward (single story building) banging sounds from down the hall way that could have only been caused by something inside, the A-ward is where they kept the most violent patients (ive been told this by a lawyer who used to represent clients from there) But the worse one i have encountered was entering one of the large buildings and heard the music box sound. i know for a fact it wasnt just my mind playing tricks on me because my mate who i was with at the time heard it aswell. But thats what i loved about this place, it would scare the crap out of ya, especially considering we were 14. would love to go back but i dont think itd be the same especially after all the construction on it. ah well anyway i thought id share my story !
Brilliant comment, thanks for sharing this Joe! I can only imagine how terrifying I would have found this place when I was 14… but I think if I lived nearby, I probably would have spent most nights there.
So you heard the music box, then? Interesting stuff. One of the theories online is that it’s students at the nearby university campus (not sure where that is, exactly) playing a prank. Does that sounds believable to you? I heard nothing during my visit, other than the usual creaking and groaning that you’d expect from a building of this age. It’s an incredible atmosphere in there though, isn’t it?
You are wrong,A ward was for new arrivals, north 6 and north 8 was for violent offenders.You would be put on medication,when ok,you would be transfered to an open ward.
Damnit. I wish I could visit, but they’ve been renovated! 🙁 Any places similar in Melbourne?
Yes, I heard something about a renovation project going down at Larundel. If you want to see something similar, you might want to go and check out Aradale. It’s just a short train ride from Melbourne, and they’ve got one of Australia’s largest and best preserved mental asylums there. It’s a museum now, but large parts are still completely abandoned, so I don’t think it’ll feel too commercialised.
I really wanted to go, but ran out of time in the end. It’s top of my list for next time I’m in Aus.
Hey darmen when you visit the aradale mental asylum are you allowed to do the same blog thing that you did on the laurundel mental asylum because this was very entertaining and interesting. Please do more excursions like this????
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Hi Darmon, I am potentially making a documentary about Larundel and was wondering if I could possibly use your pictures as a part of it, as many of the great shots you have are not accessible anymore. Thanks, Tessa Rigby
Hi Tess. Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to get back to you.
Sounds like an interesting project – could you possibly send me an email about this? Just use the “contact” button at the top of this page.
why havent they demolished the place yet? people say .. if someone demolishes it they will get mental… and also heard that the government tried burning it down but it didnt burn down… do you know anything??
Hi Jessica,
I believe they’ve already made a start on the demolition – a lot of the buildings have already gone, and what I explored really were the last few pieces left standing.
I haven’t heard the stories you mention. There were some signs of serious fire damage on the ground floor of the main building, but the place has obviously survived it – so who knows?
Oh ok. Do you know if we can still enter the asylum and thanks
Hi Charbel,
As far as I know, it’s still pretty easy to get inside. They may have demolished more of the buildings since my visit last year, however.
I went in today! There is still access to most of the buildings, you just need to find a loose piece of metal 🙂
Sounds like you took the same route as me! Glad you managed to get in, hope you enjoyed the place.
i believe the administration building being burnt may have caused these rumours, the building in questing being quite away from the main buildings.
I live very close to the asylum, i have heard this music there before and got very intrigued. I studied the area for months, most people believe its the La trobe bells that people hear and say its ghosts afterwards, ive heard the bells there at midnight and its nothing like this but this music is in fact the tune of a local ice cream truck, this is what everyone has been hearing (including me) over the years for people to believe there is the ghost of a young girl haunting the place, and yes, this ice cream truck can even be heard very late at night.
An ice cream truck?? Ha! That’s amazing.
I guess it would make perfect sense, if there’s a truck doing the rounds in that area. Brilliant, thank you so much for posting this…
Virginia again reading or comments about award and music ghosts not at mt park larundel yes their was a music room at the back of award it but wasn’t adjoined we use to have relaxation in the room . award i did something wrong and got put in there yes it was a lockup assessment ward they would dose u up on medication it made u azombi a lot of the patients seemed scary at the side of the ward they would give patients ect
It wasn’t an asylum for girls. The eyes were painted by Rone, by the way.
I’ve checked up on this, and you’re right – the site served as a girls’ school during WWII, but later, when the original asylum plan was realised, it was mixed sexes. Correction noted, thanks!
Also, cheers for the tip re. Rone. I checked out some more artwork, and it’s awesome…
Another cracker, loving the bat shot, you don’t half get about.
I certainly do my best! Problem is, I spend so much time travelling that I hardly have time to write the reports anymore…
Those eyes are AWESOME! I must have been there just days before they were painted :_D
They’re pretty special, aren’t they? Sounds like you’ll have to make a return visit! They’re in one of the ground floor rooms near the boarded-up main entrance.
Love the graffiti eyes. And “dirty fruit from some dark, blasphemous tree” is possibly your best ever line.
Best ever line? That sounds like a challenge. Those eyes were amazing, though.